Pensioners need to send a life certificate yearly to the pension funds.
If you have an electrionic ID from Auðkenni or Evrotrust, you can go to this website HERE.
When signing in with Evrotrust, you need to open up you Evrotrust app. You will see "Pending documents: Signet transfer auðkenningarbeiðni...", you need to push V.
Then you will select your electronic ID which has Personal ID number included. After that you will be transferred to the Signet page where you can push "Skilaboð" and there you will write in your ID number and address. and in "Skrárheiti" you put your ID number (kennitala), then press "Senda" and after that "Staðfesta"
If you are not able to send us a life certificate with an electric ID, then you can send us confirmed life certificate, stamped and signed, to our email HERE is a form you can fill out and have signed and stamped.
Pensioners receiving spouse pension must send us or the pension fund a certificate that also stated the pensioners current marital status. HERE is a form you can have filled out, stamped and signed. You can send the form to
HERE is information on Evrotrust and how to apply for an electronic ID.